A Toszkána határán fekvő Castello di Reschio birtokon található a Spinaltermine Villa, egy hamisítatlan olasz mediterrán villa, melynek berendezésében finoman keverednek a rusztikus és modern elemek.

A Toszkána határán fekvő Castello di Reschio birtokon található a Spinaltermine Villa, egy hamisítatlan olasz mediterrán villa, melynek berendezésében finoman keverednek a rusztikus és modern elemek.
A festői villa egy négy hálószobás főépületből és egy külön hálószobás vendégházból áll, mely a fűtött, feszített víztükrű medence mellett nagyszerű fedett pihenő és étkező helyet is biztosít. A villát fantasztikusan szép táj veszi körül rengeteg szabadidős aktivitást kínálva. A bájos olasz szálláshely kibérelhető a képek után található linken, az árak $ 2254 és $ 3373 között mozognak /éjszaka /a teljes villa.
Castello di Reschio is a private estate that covers 2,700 acres of Umbrian countryside on the border with Tuscany. This is the green heart of Italy: a land of rolling hills, vineyards, olive groves and woods of oak and chestnut, where little has changed since St Francis of Assisi preached here in the Middle Ages.
Scattered around this unspoiled landscape are 50 farmhouses that seem as ancient as the hills. To date, more than twenty have been beautifully restored to private houses, tailored to individual tastes in a style and quality of finish that meets the highest international standards. Each home is unique and has been created and furnished by the owners of Castello di Reschio, Count Antonio Bolza and two generations of his family who live in the 11th century Castello and run this magnificent estate.
Integral to Reschio is a unique combination of world class service and facilities, privacy, security and nature at its most tranquil. The 5-star concierge service available to guests includes personal drivers, daily maid service, food delivery and cooking services.
Residents can enjoy classic Italian food in the delightful setting of the Osteria, horse-riding, mountain biking, floodlit tennis and country walks on the estate.
Castello di Reschio is centrally placed to enjoy the highlights of Umbria and Tuscany and is only 20 minutes from Cortona or half an hour from the galleries, churches, opera, film and jazz festivals or theaters in Umbria’s capital city, Perugia. Florence and Rome are within two hours’ drive and Siena, Arezzo, Assisi, Todi and Orvieto are all close by.
Design: Nicky Dobree Interior Design | Forrás: Italian Villas