A kanadai Smith Designs stúdió tervezte a Victoria (British Columbia, Kanada) kikötőjére panorámás penthouse belső tereit.

A kanadai Smith Designs stúdió tervezte a Victoria (British Columbia, Kanada) kikötőjére panorámás penthouse belső tereit. AZ ingatlanfejlesztés során bemutató lakásként funkcionált, a lakásokat teljesen berendezve és bebútorozva értékesítették.
A 310nm-es penthouse-hoz egy mégegyszer ugyanakorra terasz tartozik. A rengeteg ablak mellett sötét dekorációt kapott a lakás, gránit padlóburkolatokkal és munkalapokkal, antracit-szürke bútor frontokkal, rozsdamentes acél konyha hátfallal és konyhagépekkel. Az otthoni automata rendszer részeként a TV a komódba süllyeszthető hogy ne akadályozza a kilátást üzemen kívül. Látványos a térbe helyezett modern, tükörfényesre polírozott rozsdamentes acél borítású gázkandalló – a gázellátást csak a mennyezetből oldhatták meg, ez igazi kihívás volt a tervezőknek.
Canadian studio Smith Designs has completed the interior of a penthouse overlooking Victoria’s outer harbor in British Columbia, Canada.
“The 910 project was the culmination of a series of fully furnished suites designed for a local developer. This penthouse suite served as a display suite for the condo development before being privately purchased recently. 3300 sq ft of floor space plus a deck of almost the same size is designed for the professional couple who love to entertain. The “Kitchen Theatre” is raised to allow views to Victoria Harbour and the Olympic Mountains, and provides bar-height seating to the lower Family Room area. The main TV rises out of a low credenza in the Family Room and lowers out of site to maintain views to downtown. It is also tied into the suite-wide home automation system.
The suite features chic and sophisticated finishing with granite flooring, honed granite counter tops, anthracite stained millwork and stainless steel appliances and backsplash in the kitchen, and custom hand-burnished plaster finishes on the large column and in the Powder Room.
The Living Room features a 360º custom gas fireplace finished in mirror-polished stainless steel. This custom fireplace was designed and built in collaboration with Fravashi Ironworks and Majestic Mechanical and provides a spectacular fire rising through glittering glass, viewed from all main living areas. Gas supply for this fireplace was only available through the ceiling, making this a real challenge to engineer.
The North-East Bedroom features sliding glass partitions separating the bathroom and sleeping areas giving one continuous glass wall when closed, reflecting the views and allowing the space to feel much larger. This room is ideally situated to take advantage of the morning sunrise. The South-West Bedroom has mountain views and glimpses of great sunsets. Each bedroom has full walk-in closets and ensuite baths with a raised dais for the soaker tubs and dual sinks.”
Fotók: Russ Heinl